Band to Join, Accordion, Acoustic Guitar, Background Singer, Bagpipes, Banjo, Bass Guitar, Cello, Clarinet, DJ, Dobro, Drums, Electronic Music, Fiddle, Flute, Harmonica, Harp, Keyboard, Lead Guitar, Mandolin, Other, Other Percussion, Piano, Rhythm Guitar, Saxophone, Steel guitar, Trombone, Trumpet, Ukulele, Upright bass, Violin, Vocalist, Vocalist - Alto, Vocalist - Baritone, Vocalist - Bass, Vocalist - Soprano, Vocalist - Tenor.ABOUT
Ali just got a message saying that I just wanted you to be able I could not be in your car but if I get a chance I would love
- Screen name:
- ali458714
- Member since:
- Nov 27 2024
- Active within 1 month
- Level of commitment:
- Just for Fun
- Years playing music:
- 1
- Gigs played:
- Under 10
- Tend to practice:
- 1 time per week
- Available to gig:
- 1 night a week
- Most available:
- Mornings
Ali just got a call to confirm the appointment and I will be home by
Instrument experience:
- Accordion:
- Moderate
Hello hi ladies just wanted to confirm that we are not able you to confirm that we have been working this morning at your office in your trttty